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Homeless families have unique needs. Image

Homeless families have unique needs.

The Salvation Army strives to be there for them and be their shoulder to lean on.
Our staff are committed to ensuring every family has a chance.


 The bridge between living on the streets and permanent housing.

Families facing homelessness face a multitude of unique challenges. Many of these families struggle through different traumas and pains. The Salvation Army takes a holistic approach to combat those emotional and physical hurdles to cultivate a positive environment, so families have the tools needed to take control of their lives.

Haven Interim Housing

The Salvation Army's Door of Hope Haven Interim Housing (HIH) is short-term housing for single women and families experiencing homelessness. Interim housing is the bridge between living on the streets and permanent housing.

The Haven Interim Housing can serve up to 18 families and 8 single women at a time, and provides a safe place where residents can save money, get jobs and learn life skills while knowing their children are in a safe environment. Residents can stay at the shelter for up to three months.

"This program allows for us to provide a continuum of care to women and families who need it. We are able to help the recently homeless, as well as those who need a little more help and time to get back on their feet at our Transitional Living Center." - Major Lee Lescano, Divisional Secretary for San Diego County

The Salvation Army helps makes families whole.

"It was like a dream come true. We were so grateful for a roof over our heads. We got a chance to heal."

Haven Interim Housing provides a safe and structured environment where we strive to meet residents' immediate needs and help them move toward obtaining permanent housing.

Residents in the program work closely with staff to develop individual plans that focus on housing, employment, education, financial management, and medical needs.

Haven Interim Housing does phone screenings for women and families who are experiencing homelessness.

Haven Interim Housing is partially funded by State Emergency Solutions Grant.


Please note: We only take direct referrals for this program from other shelters, safe parking lot programs, or housing agencies. Case Managers seeking shelter for clients, please send a direct referral inquiry to

Other Ways We Meet Needs